Hello everyone!

I’m back with a new blog post. I plan to write my Blogtober post at the start of this month but I was too busy watching dramas (still is) until I ended up forgetting to write it. I already wrote down all my own Blogtober prompts/ideas on my little notebook but haven’t make a single post about any of them yet.

Blogtober is pretty common in the blogging world. You can make your Blogtober post about anything, it’s up to you. Talk about what you want to talk about in your post. Mine will be focusing on books and non-book stuffs. All my Blogtober posts come from my own prompts/ideas. I did make Blogtober posts before but ended up deleting them all because I wanted to start fresh.

So, here’s my first Blogtober post for this year, and I will be talking about my physical TBR in this post.


Every time I look at my bookshelves, it doesn’t seem like I have too many books on it but then I started counting one by one, and I was shocked. I said to myself, “damn…I have that many books?” For most people, over 100 books are still a small amount but not to me. To me, over 100 books is big. Currently, I don’t have a space on my bookshelves but I have a book cart that still have so many spaces for me to put my books in.

How many books do I have on my physical TBR?
I have the total of 129 books on my physical TBR as of now. I know it won’t stop there because once I buy new books again then the amount would just get higher and higher.

How many have I read out of the 129?
I have read 41 books out of the 129 so far, and I plan to read the rest but I just don’t know when.

Any new additions?
Yes, there are new additions. This year, I bought 10 books only and that was already enough for me. I’ll wait until next year to buy more.

That’s all from me, and I know it’s a short post. I don’t plan on writing a long post for my first Blogtober post. I’ll see you again in the next post.

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